Is It Worth It?

"Does she really want to live in her present totally paralyzed situation?" A family member said that several people have asked that question when asking about me. ALS is an unrelenting, tortuous, terrible disease. I can feel everything, but can't move anything except a few muscles on my face. I definitely have hard moments and days when I'm discouraged and I wonder if I can go on living in a body that doesn't work. But to help you understand my response to the question above I'll describe two different scenarios or contrasts in my world with ALS. 1) Recently we invited guests for lunch and Kevin came to get me up in my wheelchair. Simple.. Right? Not! He has to fully support me when he swings my feet around, sits me on the side of the bed and lifts me around to the chair. Sometimes when getting me up everything feels off and uncomfortable probably because I have no muscle tone and my skin is looser. For example, the skin on my back may be stretched up at a...