
Showing posts from July, 2023

Giving Up My Rights

I recently listened to "The Pineapple Story"   by missionary, Otto Koning.     He humorously narrates the story of planting pineapples in Papua New Guinea where he was working with an uncivilized, indigenous group of heathens who kept stealing his pineapples (and a lot of other things) no matter what he did to try and stop them. Eventually he felt God lead him to surrender His right to ownership of his pineapple garden. This brought peace as he stopped worrying about the outcome. Later he surrendered his right to his family, his reputation and many other things.  The Pineapple Story  - click the link to listen to the whole story.  This story led me to a deeper level of surrendering the supposed  "rights"   to several things in my own life. Like in pineapple story I've had to give up rights to many things in my life:  Dignity/Pride - I've always taken pride in how I look and dress (maybe too much so at times). Nowadays I never even look in the...