On Trial
TO HEAR ABOUT FUTURE BLOGS AND UPDATES FOLLOW ON: "MOUNTING WITH WINGS" FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100073335840407 Soon after my diagnosis with ALS in October 2019 I received a text from a friend that said: “I know God can use this trial, as he did with Job, to show the universe that He is a righteous God…that He is love and that He also will carry you through. No pressure here, but the whole universe is watching!…” No pressure here?! LOL Unfortunately I can’t say I’ve always shown a very good picture of God’s power through trial to a watching universe. The picture I give is sometimes marred, especially before my family and those I’m closest to. Trials are heavy to bear at times and having ALS is not an easy load. You may have heard it said that God will not give us more than we can handle. But, how does that work out practically in my life? When I feel like I’m going to faint under my load can I shake my fist at God and say, “Wait, God you said yo...