Giving Up?

Recently I happened across a comment on a Facebook support group by a lady with ALS who basically said, "I don't mean to be blunt, but I'm not getting a feeding tube. When I get to the point that I'm confined to a wheelchair that's when I'll be done." I don't know her situation and know it's a personal choice, but that comment made me feel so sad. I think of all the many joys and blessings I would've missed out on if I had given up 2 1/2 years ago when I got my feeding tube! When I look back through the pictures and memories since ALS I'm so thankful for each one, and each day of life. Of course the greatest recent blessing has been being here for my sweet grandson's birth last September and to enjoy each smile and achievement. What a tremendous gift! It also brings tears to my eyes knowing that I wouldn't be here without my loving family and their faithful care for me! The fact that they still want me here and surround me with...