Masks! They are everywhere! We don’t LIKE them, but we tolerate them and have learned to live with them. It seems ALMOST normal now to see nearly everyone in Walmart walking around with one on! Masks supposedly protect us from dreaded diseases, or at least protect others from “our mess.” What about the emotional masks we all wear? The times when we paste on a smile when we are deeply hurting inside, trying to protect others from knowing the real us. Maybe they wouldn’t really like us if they knew the real “mess” behind the mask. Or maybe we’re protecting ourselves from more hurt in life, and there is plenty of that to go around! Another excerpt from my journal: “Lord there is so much heartache and misery in this old world! Within the past few weeks my friend Jeana’s 16 year old nephew committed suicide, Mr. Dragomir died from COVID, Marla had a car accident breaking both ankles and totaling her vehicle, hurricane Laura hit Louisiana, we saw a single mom with her small children by th