
Showing posts from March, 2023

Silent Cries

My body definitely isn't cooperating, but I'm still totally "me" on the inside; desperately wishing I could communicate more easily what's on the inside to the world outside. One of my cousins recently texted me: " have a perfectly functional and brilliant mind with all the normal wishes, interests and desires inside a body inflicting absolute cruelty. But, in your faith, you find the ability to rest." I might argue against the "brilliant mind" part (lol) but the rest of what he said holds true.  I realize now that when I wrote a blog about "Communication Gaps" in July of 2021 I was just in the "minor leagues" of difficulty with communication, now it seems I'm loosing games daily in the "major leagues" as communicating even the basic things is sometimes so difficult!  My speech was getting especially hard to understand before I got my trach in May of 2022,  but at least I could make a noise! With a ...